The BEST flash you can buy ! But I have a stun light you may like !

Monday, April 5, 2021

Videos Anyone ?


If you need a video contact me at "                                                     

Saturday, April 3, 2021

exempt card

 Everyone who has survived covid do not need a vaccine or to wear masks, get your card to show others your no risk to anyone.

Franklin Graham is right !

 The sad truth. from Franklin Graham





Time is like a river.  You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Franklin Graham was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville , Florida , when he said America will not come back.  He wrote: 


 * “The American dream ended " The first term of  Joe Biden has been the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest republic in the history of mankind.


A coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood , uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically unemployed that do not want to work , illegal aliens and other “fellow travelers” have ended.........Norman Rockwell's America.


You will never again out-vote these people.  It will take individuald acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away.  It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status. 


People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will probably never again be able to legally comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired. 


The Cocker spaniel is off the front porch, the pit bull is in the back yard, the American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and the likes of Chicago shyster David Axelrod along with international socialist George Soros have been pulling the strings on their beige puppet and have brought us Act 2 of the New World Order. 


The curtain will come down but the damage has been done, the story has been told. 


Those who come after us will once again have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to white guilt and political correctness..” 


Got the guts to pass it on?  You bet I do and just did…. 




Peace and Prayers,

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Floyd, fair trial or not ?

 As I've stated in other posts the trial of officer Chauvin will almost assuredly be unfair.

It's impossible to find jurors that haven't formed some kind of opinion about it, no matter what they say.  Plus the fact of serious riots on the horizon if they find to acquit.

From what I've seen so far, officer Chauvin did nothing illegal. The restraint he used did not cause the death of Mr. Floyd. Resisting arrest along with a drug overdose caused Mr. Floyd's death. Mr. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breath before they even tried to get him in the unit to transport do to the reaction of the drugs and the restraint has been used many times to handle a large suspect that is combative when the need to calm them down to protect all persons is needed. 

That restraint would not have restricted the airflow on Mr. Floyd enough to cause a problem especially considering the upper body size and strength of Mr. Floyd.

Once again the suspect, through his own actions, caused his fate. DON"T RESIST !!

But now comes the problem, to find in favor of the prosecution and avoid a riot or find in favor of officer Chauvin and face sure destruction at the hands of Antifa and the like, even though the city awarded millions to the family to keep the riots at bay.

If the finding is guilty of anything, the police will most assuredly stop trying to place anyone that try's to resist in jail, rendering the hole force, save for traffic division, useless and since they have already defunded them, should fit right in with their overall plan to turn Minneapolis into a "survival of the fittest" city.  

We need to let the police do the job they are trained for and teach those outside the force how to behave when or if a confrontation occurs.

 And if you have never had to restrain anyone you have no business pointing fingers at a law enforcement officer when he does, without knowing all the information. Seeing just one side will never give a clear view of what actually transpired and you will almost always be wrong. Don't second guess ! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 Treason :      👀

👉    The offense of attempting, by overt acts, to overthrow the Government    👈

I don't know how half of the country can watch what the communists in our government are doing to our country right now and think that it's in the best interest of the population.

Anyone with just a little common sense should be able to see that a large portion of the Presidents E/O's are harming the country and shouldn't be exceptable from either party.

 At least one of them is inhumane to the people in play and will have a disastrous effect on a major part of the work force who are already unemployed, not to mention our health, and over stress the finances of many states along the border. [ This one alone could be conceived as treasonous by trying to destroy the financial structure of those states and our government ] but no one is doing anything to stop them. Where are the true Americans in the Democratic party ?

President Lincoln stated that " A country divided will not stand" yet that is the very thing that is being orchestrated right now. It is no longer who has the best ideas for  governing in a manner that makes life better for the majority of the country, it's now governing that makes the most sense for the wealthiest few.

If this doesn't change, the powers that be will turn this great nation into a third world country run by a dictator suppressing the rest of us as just workers on their plantation circumventing our founding fathers visions for our great country.

I don't know how to correct this but I know someone in America has the answer and a way to implement it and I hope they step up soon. [one of my thoughts on this was for all the people that don't want this to continue to just refuse to pay any more taxes until they pull their collective heads out], but alas it was just a fleeting thought.     Just an independent view ! 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Where am I !

  👉   So, I think you've seen that I have gotten off track with my posts.

I started on trying to explain the actions of different police situations as I saw them from my perspective, but I now have commented mostly on the every day matters that we have been facing with Covid and everything surrounding the scamdemic. 😠

I used to work about 100 hours a week and now being retired I have a lot of time to digest much more information than before. I now have had a lot of time to really pay attention to what is happening with the group of people we have elected to manage our lives.

Some of them haven't even been elected to this position but just took it over by shear monetary power or from their perceived station in the medical industry or academia.

It seems as though "we the people" have fallen into the trap of believing that the people running for political office are all honest, when in fact they usually tell you what you want to hear to get elected, then do what ever they have to in order to get wealthy at our expense. 

The Jimmy Stewart, "Mr. Smith goes to Washington", politician doesn't exist and they don't retire broke. 👈

Now we have a new scourge to deal with, "Communism" !  I'm reminded of what Benjamin Franklin replied when asked "what type of government did you give us ?"as he was leaving the upstairs meeting of the founding fathers, and he said "A Republic, if you can keep it" and also the adage "Freedom is not FREE".  Unfortunately I feel it's too late to stop it now. They have been working for over 50 years to subvert our way of life and if this last year is any marker of their success, they have accomplished it.
They now have control of every facet of the Government, the media and are working on our ability to converse or even leave our homes, and they will take us down RAPIDLY ! 👀

We have been asleep at the switch and instead of taking steps way back in the 50's to insure they could not infiltrate our government, we have stood by while they corrupted our colleges and schools so that now we have a whole generation that want to make the best country on the planet into another third world country, so they can get something for nothing.

The talking heads of the Republican party and at Fox news seem to think we will be able to mount a defense for the 2022 congressional election but I for one don't think we have that long before they shut the "dissenters" down. 👊

They've shown that they have the power and the control to do what ever they decide to do. and I think they will !  👇

 If you would like to know more and you have access to "Prime video" you can view some very good documentaries about all of this. One in particular is "The Spector of Communism" another is "Hidden Agenda", still another is " From Babylon To America", all will enlighten you to the coming crisis. 👍

Friday, January 8, 2021

The late, Great U S of A

Well, the powers that really run America have shown the rest of us not to try and change the status quo. 💪

President Trump tried and lost and probably most likely will continue to pay for a long while, just to get the point across to anyone with similar ideas to think twice.

One man can no longer stand a chance of changing the coarse that the Communists in the country have planned for us all. We should have made sure back when Joseph McCarthy brought it to our attention, that we would not let them get a foothold in our government, but we didn't.

Now just as "Khrushchev" postulated, they have won. There is no telling how much damage will be done nor how many of our civil rights will be lost before we can slow the decline, if we ever get the chance again, but rest assured we will pay dearly. 😖

As I stated in other posts, the elections can be stolen, and in my mind, clearly it was this time and no one in the Judiciary sector had the guts to take a stand. Either the lawyers were incompetent or they were just going through the motions, but even the highest court in the land couldn't see the legal infractions that were blatant to my untrained eyes. What a farce !  We have lost election integrity for as long as they are in control.

I fear that Trump supporters will be targeted by any means possible and they will go for the guns which will cause serious problems and may lead to Marshal Law, which appears to be what they're trying for now, if they can instigate protestors like they did at the Capital. Make no mistake, that was instigated to continue to make Trump and his supporters look bad, hoping to paint them as radicals even when they looked the other way when BLM and Antifa were doing the same thing for the last 9 months.

There was an awful lot of this year that appeared orchestrated to bring the country to it's knees but not hurt the rich. From the beginning it all seemed a half step off. Covid was and is being handled wrong, lock downs being issued without any common sense, let alone scientific fact, school closings based on teachers fears rather than fact, demonstrations that destroy whole city blocks and the media ignores the carnage to help elect someone who doesn't even campaign, the media espousing lie after lie.

I for one have lost all hope and respect for our elected representatives and at this point wish I had the means to move to another country or maybe a small island and start over again.  We sure have changed from the reasonably peaceful country I grew up in.

Welcome to the "C F of A"  [communist states of America], so sorry !  😟

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Do we need another McCarthy

 After researching the Senator's speeches in West Virginia and Ohio It's clear  to me that we may need another of his ilk, because there seems to be that type of subversion in our Government right now.👍

I know that a lot of people don't get all of the news, or what news they do get is filtered to show a left leaning agenda. The main stream news should be ashamed to call themselves unbiased news reporters. They have joined with what appears to be an attempt to wreck our form of government. 😒

This is getting serious to the point that a civil war could be just around the corner. They have stoked the fires of hatred in the black community and are using them as a political weapon to further their agenda and it could all come crashing down around OUR ears, because the are insulated from it all in their mega bucks homes with the armed security and ability to leave the country if necessary.👀

They have a socialist/Marks, [read Communist] agenda that has permeated our collages and schools to destroy our younger generation and it's quite possible we will never get them back. We've been divided between the have's and the have not's and the have's are using race to tear us apart.😟

Now it would seem that even the supreme court is on their side. It shows that the swamp has to many players for just one man to drain, and I'm betting that they continue going after Trump and family in the years to come, to make it clear to anyone that has the idea to do what he tried, that they will pay without succeeding and the subversives have won this round.😟

“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism".  Nikita Khrushchev. 👎

We are better than this but I'm afraid it's to late and the next 4 years could be the deciding factors as to whether we survive or swirl down the drain to third world status. 

 Even so, Hurry JESUS ! 😁

To read his "Enemies from within" speech click here

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Something Doesn't Pass The Smell Test.

 Some who read this will think I'm a conspiracy nut, I'm sure, but I am just privy to information outside the norm, that has proven to be right more than wrong.  👀

Usually I post about the interaction between the Police and the rest of us, but today I'm going in a different direction. What's happening to our FREEDOMs ?😞

I've been concerned about how we are handling the virous and all of the misinformation that we are being feed. After doing some research of my own, I'm getting a little scared of the near future, especially with the far left being in control. 😆

Up front I'll tell you, I have been for Trump the last 4 years as I felt his agenda was geared to help our economy and thus help America and the greater majority of the populace. 
But looking through the lens of the NWO it almost looks as though he was taking us in the same direction, just at a slower pace. Believe me, I hope I'm wrong but in any case we are headed there whether we like it or not and whether it be by the left or the right.

We have heard a lot about reimagine this and that and defund the police or replace the police with a  kinder, gentler force of some sort and they are all buzz words for the "the great reset" which is the NWO and will include controlling your life with digital currency, limited healthcare, controlled travel, food, utilities and most everything in your life. 

    👉    Bill Gates has funded the vaccine by Moderna that works differently than other vaccines, it actually changes your DNA. Plus his old company, that he still has ties to, has filed for a patent on a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency, called Luciferase, NO KIDDING ! Those of you that are Christians will recognize this, and the last 6 digits of the patent # is 060606, His ID2020 tells all about what he professes to do.

 I just heard that the Pfizer vaccine also works like Moderna's, by changing your DNA and I for one haven't been informed of all the down side of this protocol to feel safe with ingesting something like that into my body, when I can let my immune system do it on it's own. 

There are so many red flags with the corona virous that it would take another post to explain [which just happens to be here]  at Health Quest. It is nothing more than a sneaky way to have scared people, that are not aware, to get microchipped without knowing, and they are protected by law once you let them do it.

To add to this, his device will be read through the 5G network that the President was in such a hurry to implement just before the pandemic struck. The President also shut down the country causing a major economic disaster, putting hundreds of mom and pops out of business and severely hurting a lot of others, putting them dependent on the government to live. [this whole plan was for control of as many as would give in to it].  Unfortunately, it's only going to get worse and much faster under the socialistic venue that the left is wanting to implement, which they have talked about and are starting to build even before they take office.     Right now I hope GOD calls me home very soon,  Via Con Dios

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Optimize Your Immune System

               Everybody needs this, seriously


                  Help stop the virous and increase your ability to stay healthy !

              check out our new web site at