Some who read this will think I'm a conspiracy nut, I'm sure, but I am just privy to information outside the norm, that has proven to be right more than wrong. 👀
Usually I post about the interaction between the Police and the rest of us, but today I'm going in a different direction. What's happening to our FREEDOMs ?😞
I've been concerned about how we are handling the virous and all of the misinformation that we are being feed. After doing some research of my own, I'm getting a little scared of the near future, especially with the far left being in control. 😆
Up front I'll tell you, I have been for Trump the last 4 years as I felt his agenda was geared to help our economy and thus help America and the greater majority of the populace.
But looking through the lens of the NWO it almost looks as though he was taking us in the same direction, just at a slower pace. Believe me, I hope I'm wrong but in any case we are headed there whether we like it or not and whether it be by the left or the right.
We have heard a lot about reimagine this and that and defund the police or replace the police with a kinder, gentler force of some sort and they are all buzz words for the "the great reset" which is the NWO and will include controlling your life with digital currency, limited healthcare, controlled travel, food, utilities and most everything in your life.
👉 Bill Gates has funded the vaccine by Moderna that works differently than other vaccines, it actually changes your DNA. Plus his old company, that he still has ties to, has filed for a patent on a human implantable device for buying and selling cryptocurrency, called Luciferase, NO KIDDING ! Those of you that are Christians will recognize this, and the last 6 digits of the patent # is 060606, His ID2020 tells all about what he professes to do.
I just heard that the Pfizer vaccine also works like Moderna's, by changing your DNA and I for one haven't been informed of all the down side of this protocol to feel safe with ingesting something like that into my body, when I can let my immune system do it on it's own.
There are so many red flags with the corona virous that it would take another post to explain [which just happens to be here] at Health Quest. It is nothing more than a sneaky way to have scared people, that are not aware, to get microchipped without knowing, and they are protected by law once you let them do it.
To add to this, his device will be read through the 5G network that the President was in such a hurry to implement just before the pandemic struck. The President also shut down the country causing a major economic disaster, putting hundreds of mom and pops out of business and severely hurting a lot of others, putting them dependent on the government to live. [this whole plan was for control of as many as would give in to it]. Unfortunately, it's only going to get worse and much faster under the socialistic venue that the left is wanting to implement, which they have talked about and are starting to build even before they take office. Right now I hope GOD calls me home very soon, Via Con Dios