👉 So, I think you've seen that I have gotten off track with my posts.
I started on trying to explain the actions of different police situations as I saw them from my perspective, but I now have commented mostly on the every day matters that we have been facing with Covid and everything surrounding the scamdemic. 😠
I used to work about 100 hours a week and now being retired I have a lot of time to digest much more information than before. I now have had a lot of time to really pay attention to what is happening with the group of people we have elected to manage our lives.
Some of them haven't even been elected to this position but just took it over by shear monetary power or from their perceived station in the medical industry or academia.
It seems as though "we the people" have fallen into the trap of believing that the people running for political office are all honest, when in fact they usually tell you what you want to hear to get elected, then do what ever they have to in order to get wealthy at our expense.
The Jimmy Stewart, "Mr. Smith goes to Washington", politician doesn't exist and they don't retire broke. 👈
Now we have a new scourge to deal with, "Communism" ! I'm reminded of what Benjamin Franklin replied when asked "what type of government did you give us ?"as he was leaving the upstairs meeting of the founding fathers, and he said "A Republic, if you can keep it" and also the adage "Freedom is not FREE". Unfortunately I feel it's too late to stop it now. They have been working for over 50 years to subvert our way of life and if this last year is any marker of their success, they have accomplished it.
They now have control of every facet of the Government, the media and are working on our ability to converse or even leave our homes, and they will take us down RAPIDLY ! 👀
We have been asleep at the switch and instead of taking steps way back in the 50's to insure they could not infiltrate our government, we have stood by while they corrupted our colleges and schools so that now we have a whole generation that want to make the best country on the planet into another third world country, so they can get something for nothing.
The talking heads of the Republican party and at Fox news seem to think we will be able to mount a defense for the 2022 congressional election but I for one don't think we have that long before they shut the "dissenters" down. 👊
They've shown that they have the power and the control to do what ever they decide to do. and I think they will ! 👇
If you would like to know more and you have access to "Prime video" you can view some very good documentaries about all of this. One in particular is "The Spector of Communism" another is "Hidden Agenda", still another is " From Babylon To America", all will enlighten you to the coming crisis. 👍
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