After researching the Senator's speeches in West Virginia and Ohio It's clear to me that we may need another of his ilk, because there seems to be that type of subversion in our Government right now.👍
I know that a lot of people don't get all of the news, or what news they do get is filtered to show a left leaning agenda. The main stream news should be ashamed to call themselves unbiased news reporters. They have joined with what appears to be an attempt to wreck our form of government. 😒
This is getting serious to the point that a civil war could be just around the corner. They have stoked the fires of hatred in the black community and are using them as a political weapon to further their agenda and it could all come crashing down around OUR ears, because the are insulated from it all in their mega bucks homes with the armed security and ability to leave the country if necessary.👀
They have a socialist/Marks, [read Communist] agenda that has permeated our collages and schools to destroy our younger generation and it's quite possible we will never get them back. We've been divided between the have's and the have not's and the have's are using race to tear us apart.😟
Now it would seem that even the supreme court is on their side. It shows that the swamp has to many players for just one man to drain, and I'm betting that they continue going after Trump and family in the years to come, to make it clear to anyone that has the idea to do what he tried, that they will pay without succeeding and the subversives have won this round.😟
“We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism". Nikita Khrushchev. 👎
We are better than this but I'm afraid it's to late and the next 4 years could be the deciding factors as to whether we survive or swirl down the drain to third world status.
Even so, Hurry JESUS ! 😁
To read his "Enemies from within" speech click here
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