Due unto others, Carma, What goes around comes around, all of these allude to the same concept.
Taking responsibility for your actions ! Edgar Casey spoke of this and stated that what we project into the world, we get back, sometimes 10 fold. So if you put out good vibes or love and understanding, you get that back and sometimes in a bigger amount. At the same time if you put out anger, hatred, disrespect and general criminal behavior, that's what you will get back, and that just makes your life worse.
We as parents have dropped the ball in the last 50 years or so. We have stopped teaching our children, at an early age, to be responsible for what we do and not try to blame someone else if we get caught doing something wrong. Now we have several generations that blame everything and everybody else for the state we are in, causing a great dilemma which we treat with alcohol and drugs because we are not happy with our place in life. We have lost control and don't know how to get it back.
I see an awful lot of anger in society today and I fear it won't get better until people start taking responsibility for there own actions and start trying to live in a manor that excepts differences and stop trying to tear down America to rebuild it with something that has never worked, in all the times it has been tried. This country is diverse in many ways and we have freedoms that no other country on earth has and we need to come together and rejoice in that, not destroy it.
I learned very young about taking responsibility and started applying one thought to any situation that I was confronting and that was; What is the worst that could happen if I do this, and can I live with that outcome. If I didn't like the outcome, even knowing that the worst may not happen, I would not do what I'd planned. This one concept has saved me a lot of grief in my life and I recommend it to everybody.
Christians have another way to help them and that is "WWJD" or when confronted with a dilemma, ask yourself, "What Would JESUS Do." The answer is almost impossible to apply in every case because we are human, but it would sure help if more tried hard to accomplish it. Dutch
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