The problem is not racism, it's lack of respect !
The lack of respect for law and the persons that enforce that law is the problem behind the suspect/officer confrontations that are ending in death for suspects.
Resisting arrest only gets another charge added to your record and almost never gets you free from prosecution, and some times you end up dead. Why is it that persons of color are the only ones who haven't learned that yet. Hispanics, Middle Eastern and all other racial sects have no problem when
they get arrested by police, but some black persons just can't except the fact and try to escape and end up injured or dead, and there is always a bunch of people that want to blame the officer rather than see it for what it is and understand that resisting arrest does not end well for anybody and especially the suspect.
This comes from a segment of this society, inclusive of the whole culture, that was not taught to take responsibility for their own actions. Own It ! You reap the result whether good or bad from what you do.
Now our Government is rewarding these people for acting out, adding to the problem. If we ever hope to correct this a lot of people will have to look inward and realize that they are the reason for the problems in their lives and not someone else. This is a very hard thing to do and many won't even go there, instead they will continue to blame every other thing or person for their position in life, not understanding that it won't change until they except the fact and make changes in how they are handling their lives.
There are changes in law enforcement that could be implemented but you can't stop them from arresting law breakers or putting themselves in any more danger than they deal with on a daily basis.
One such example is the shooting in Columbus, Ohio. I grew up there and understand what the officers deal with daily. The officer was alone and was confronted with an "assault with a deadly weapon" in progress with several agitated people gathered around and before he could get control had to assess and make a life and death decision in 9 seconds to shoot or not, knowing he could not reach the assailant before she stabbed the other person to possibly wrestle the weapon away from her, or before anyone else joined in the altercation to cause even more injury or death. The officer did exactly what he was trained to do, protect lives and get control of the situation!
It's clear the young woman was angry and wasn't concerned with what her action was going to cause and now her family grieves and the officer is going to have to live with this fact for the rest of his life.
All because someone did something in anger without thinking it through. BE RESPONSABLE !