Well It's over and is just what I predicted.
The fix was in.
Our election process has been compromised.
It's been apparent to me for several years that elections were not turning out the way it appeared they should but nothing was flagrant enough to draw serious concern until 2020 when I and a lot of people saw things that stood out like a soar thumb.
Just for clarity, I am not a Republican and have not voted that way. I'm an Independent and vote for the person who makes me believe his plan is best for the majority, and was Democrat until a little after JFK, when I lost interest in politics all together for a few years.
Now to what this post is about ! Mail in voting ! The Democrats want to expand it but wise people know better and are fighting against it. California just showed us how wrong it would be.
If you get your news from channels other than Fox you probably didn't see this interview the day of the voting and I don't think it was shown but once. It seems as though a woman in a community in southern Cal had went to the polls to vote in person just to find out that she was listed as already voted. She spoke with several other people milling around the area and found they had the same situation. However they were all given a new card to vote with and was advised everything would be corrected, strange you say ?
Since California sent out mail in ballots to all registered voters in the state it begs the question "How Did This Happen"? I will attempt to give you my explanation.
The only explanation I can conceive is someone got ahold of some of the voter rolls and filled out ballots of voters they felt would not go to the polls and therefor not be aware of the double ballet or maybe not vote at all but would have a vote cast in their name anyway. The double ballet would be rejected in the machine so only the first ballet arriving at the polls would be counted and since California started counting the ballets early, this gave someone a great opportunity to rig the vote. This has been going on for years and if it's not corrected before next year the mid term election will be a farce, as will 2024.
As I write this there is a news article from the Public Interest Legal Foundation, stating that an audit of data from U.S. Election Assistance Commission, that
almost 15 million mail in ballots disappeared in the 2020 election The data also shows that another 1.1 million ballets went to the wrong address.
Analysis of voter rolls in 42 states show that 38,000 people registered twice and nearly 350,000 deceased voters were still registered---thousands of these were credited by the states as having voted after they were dead.
There is a lot going on in America right now and any sane person, disregarding political affiliation, should be able to see there needs to be some changes with how are governing body is elected and better vetting of would be representatives of the people needs to be implemented or we will lose to the very ilk that our forefathers risked their all to separate us from.