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Showing posts with label election nonsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election nonsense. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Election nonsense !

 Well, what has the election of 2020 taught us ?

Just what I've been saying to my friends and family for years, that is, your vote doesn't count as much as they would have you believe !

Why do I say that? Because the election can be swayed by which ever party is willing to steal an election for further gain. People in this game who know how it's played can change the outcome by subterfuge and usually can do it without the rest of us knowing how it was done or that it was done.

In 2016 the Democrats said the Trump campaign did it, but without any actionable proof, and now the Republicans are saying it. However, it looks to me as though there are several instances this whole year that can be seen as intent to defraud the country. This has been going on for years, but not as blatant.

In the 76 years that I've lived, I've never seen so much hate and discontent between the parties and the populace in general. Total disrespect for the office of the President of the United States, no matter who is residing in it. No respect for other peoples property. Factions rising up that threaten, if you don't side with us we will burn down your cities and reek havoc with impunity in states run by the party that seems to want to add to the problems that the current President is dealing with. I'm a firm believer that had "Covid" not destroyed our economy, we would have sailed through this election despite everything else that the Democrats put out there.

It's apparent to me that "Covid" was from a lab and was released at a time to cause havoc in an election year. Who was responsible for the release is uncertain. It could have been China in retaliation for the tariffs or it could have been a more sinister plot by persons bent on causing as much turmoil as possible in this election year. It was also hard for me to except that it could spread to all the world from a single exposure in a small city in China without help, in my own opinion.

Anyone with common sense can see that some of the things that are coming to light now that took place at some polling places were not right. No matter who you voted for, if you don't want to live in a 3rd world country, you have to believe that our election process is flawed. We must not let this go uncorrected ! If we do the U. S. will loose all credibility in the world and will slowly decline to the point that some factions would like to see us at so they can control everything about us. "NEW WORLD ORDER"!

I don't see how one or two cities in a state can out weigh the complete states populace, how is that fair ?
How can a few Democratic states on each coast out weigh all the rest of the country ? Things need to change before the next election or their won't be any sense in holding it. Just let them put any talking head in the office and we all can adjust accordingly.       One Disappointed Independent