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Showing posts with label U S A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U S A. Show all posts

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Late, Great, U S A


We The People of this once great nation----

should be concerned for the direction we are being led.
We have thousands of illiterate people coming into our country across our southern border who barely, if at all, speak our language, bringing with them illnesses that we had eliminated many years ago. Many more coming in the front door from the middle east with who knows what illnesses and desires.  All designed to overwhelm our systems from health to legal and all in between, to change the very base of our country.

We have had a health crisis foisted upon us most all healthcare workers can see that something isn't right with the way it was and is being handled. Causing thousands of deaths, thousands of business failures and no telling how many serious secondary health issues from the side effects of the "cure" which hasn't been found yet, and more problems to come from the fallout of even more illegal mandates.

We have caused a whole other country to fall into the hands of a terrorist dictatorship and gave them the best military equipment on the planet to use against anyone they want to engage in war, while leaving some of our citizens there to be hunted down and killed. Showing the rest of the world we can't be trusted.

It's hard to understand that of the 330 million people in this country we couldn't find a hundred or so who really are sincere in wanting what is best for the country, to step up to the plate and run this Government instead of a bunch of communist that want to tear it down. I fear we have passed the point of no return and that saddens me, I used to be proud of being a citizen of America, but not so much anymore. We are on the slippery slope to becoming just another third world communist country, Thank You George Soros I hope this makes you and your ilk very happy.