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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What the CRAP !

     Did you see the video of the 2 officers shot in California ?

      The shooter looked like a kid or midget, are they recruiting kids to kill cops now ?

I wouldn't blame the cops in these liberal cities to have a severe case of "Blue Flu" and not report to work for about a week and if that wasn't enough to bring the mayors back to reality, start looking for other employment and let BLM and Antifa run the cities until every decent citizen leaves the state.

                                             What a load of CRAP !

  If we don't get a handle on this real soon the only thing left is for the Government to declare "Martial Law" and take back those cities and charge the mayors and governors with federal crimes then replace them with people who can supply the citizens with what they deserve from their local government.

Free speech and freedom to assemble is a right we all have, but Robbery, looting, and destruction isn't part of any rights offered by the constitution, and if those people don't like America no one is stopping them from leaving.

Go try that nonsense in China, Russia, or anywhere in the Middle East, and see how long you last.  It's only because thousands of solders have died or been injured in war, that we have the ability to regress our government peaceably and these thugs should be arrested, charged with TREASON, and removed from society. Maybe send them to fight instead of our loved ones.   

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