Another black person shot while resisting arrest
When are they going to wake up ? It's simple, do as the officer tells you and all you get is arrested---- NOT SHOT !!!
This all started before Rodney King but that incident brought it to light. Mr. King was repeatedly told to lie down and place his hands behind his head, standard procedure when dealing with a large aggravated person, but Mr. King would not listen, even after being struck several times by the officers. All he had to do is what he was told and he would have not received the beat down.
This same thing has happened in Ferguson, Baltimore, Atlanta and many other cities, some you haven't heard about, others you have, and recently Minneapolis and now Wisconsin. The faction in the black community that believes they don't have to respect the law and people that are charged with enforcing those laws, are going to have to get a new mind set or this will go on forever because society won't let the rioting continue. As much as they and the blind followers of Antifa or BLM think that they will be able to effect defunding all police forces is absurd.
This may sound like I'm against the black community but I'm not. I wish they all had the opportunity to earn a respectable living and be a productive part of society, but it's not here yet.
I do think our current President is trying very hard to head in that direction and if he had just a little help from the DEMs he could get a lot more done. I guess we'll see later this year.
I'll close with this wish, that all who interact with law enforcement please, OBEY the officers commands, except the fact you got caught, fight it out in court not in the street where the officer might have to shoot you, your possibly dead, your family greaves for you and he has to live with that on his mind for the rest of his life. For what, possibly just a minor charge on your record. What a waste.
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