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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Securing our lives

My Views on Security,

I think we all remember the husband and wife in California that was involved in killing several people in a bar and at that time I remember the commentator asking if anything could have prevented it as the person was seemingly a non violent person with no outward signs of conflicting views of the general way of American life.

We later found that he was quite possibly radicalized by his wife and wanted to kill as many "infidels" as he could in the name of his belief system.

It is troubling to say the least, that Americans can't live in our homeland without people of another belief system feel they have to come here and bring fear and death to us.

I'm sure they feel they are getting back at us for the killing they feel we are performing on the various parts of the Middle East that we have tried to help in our way of thinking [right or wrong], and that should probably be fodder for another post. 

Anyway, back to the subject of could this be averted ?   Short answer=  YES

It's sad but I believe that all establishments that serve alcohol or anywhere that diverse people congregate where there is a feeling that security needs to be present, there should be a metal detector at the door to at least scan for metal weapons. This won't stop the most determined of the bad guys but in the California case he would have known from casing the place that he would not be able to get in the front door, therefore would have most likely picked another target.

Unfortunately,at this point, that is about all we can hope for, securing our own until we can come up with better ways to vet foreign individuals and U S citizens with views of destroying our heritage that other brave individuals [our servicemen and women] have fought and died for, and arrest, detain and deport or incarcerate them. 

In the mean time we should all stay vigilant of our surroundings when in public, put down the phone and be aware of the people around you. If you look like you are paying attention a would be mugger or purse snatcher will think twice about approaching you and hopefully you will have a blessed day. 

As always, Your comments are welcome and solicited,  Darrell

Friday, April 28, 2017

My view on our police

My Views,

In all but one of the last 6 or so officer involved deaths of a suspect the underlying problem I see is the suspect resisted arrest and caused his own death.

Perhaps there needs to be an explanation of what an officer is charged with doing when confronting an individual so that the general public understands how they should react if or when they are confronted with some kind of involvement with any law enforcement officer.

 There are several types of first contact and they don't always mean arrest, BUT, when the officer advises he is placing you under arrest he feels as if you exhibit something to suspect you may be or are planing to commit some type of crime or breach of law that needs to be investigated further.

Traffic stops allow the officer to run your tag and check your registration to determine if you have outstanding warrants which would cause an arrest or he saw you break a traffic law and has stopped you to issue a ticket to appear. This doesn't have to end in an arrest unless a record check warrants it.
But in that event don't make it worse by adding a felony to the charge by resisting arrest.

If an officer is responding to a call his first order off business is get control of the situation. If you are armed or if you are acting violent he will have to place you under arrest at least until he finds out if you or anyone else are a danger to anyone and at that time you may be released but again don't resist and get an automatic felony charge added to your situation.

Remember one thing, If you resist you are committing a felony in front of a law enforcement officer and leaves the officer with no choice but to place you under arrest and he can use as much force as is needed to accomplish that task including the use of deadly force. Couple that with the fact that he has to protect his weapon at all times and you can see most officers are not out to kill anyone and don't even want to have an altercation with anyone, but just have a very hard job to do while staying safe protecting the general safety of the people they serve.

I also know that there are some LEO's [Law Enforcement Officers] who have been on the force a long time and have had to deal with the dregs of society for so long that they get pretty hard core and don't have a lot of tolerance for the habitual criminal and some times have trouble with even a first time law breaker but unfortunately that kind of attitude comes with the territory, you just get to where you feel that everyone is lying  and are trying to get something over on you and that gives them some emotional baggage to live with that some times stays with them all their lives.    

 In closing I would just remind everyone that if you have to deal with an arrest DO NOT resist! Go with the flow and call an attorney to handle your case in court because very few people have a good outcome from that kind of altercation with the law.